Year: 2018

Democratizing Open Energy Data for Public Discourse using Visualization

Type: Demo
Year: 2018

For this demo, we will show two interactive visualizations: Energy Futures and Pipeline Incidents. We designed and developed these visualizations as part of an open data initiative that aims to create interactive data visualizations to help make Canada’s energy data publicly accessible, transparent, and understandable. This work was conducted in collaboration with the National Energy Board of Canada (NEB) and a visualization software development company, VizworX.

Demonstration published in CHI EA ’18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM New York, NY Montreal, Canada (2018)


Doris Kosminsky et al.

Palavras chave:

Discovering the Data Mapping of an Unfamiliar Visualization

Type: Poster
Year: 2018

This poster explores a data mapping exercise that we completed to extract a data mapping from an unfamiliar visualization and determine the process we followed in doing so. The exercise was completed using a visualization of imports and exports of energy products to and from Canada. We had no prior knowledge of the data set used. Our process included exploring the visualization, extracting the straightforward data mappings, collaboration, and visual structuring of the extracted mapping. Extracting the data mappings from complex visualizations can be a difficult process. By determining the steps through which a data mapping can be extracted and sharing these findings the community may help to determine the best approach to extracting data mappings from complex visualizations. This exercise contributes to our under-standing of how people extract meaning from the data mapping in a given visualization. This growing understanding can be used to influence design of data exploration and data extracting tools. The results may be applicable towards helping individuals read complex visualizations and obtain a fuller understanding of their data.

Poster published in the Proceedings of IEEE VIS: Visualization & Visual Analytics (2018)


Doris Kosminsky et al.

Palavras chave:

Numerical Existence

Type: Book
Year: 2018

The project Existência Numérica (Numerical Existence) was selected in the 2017 Oi Cultural Sponsorships Incentives Program and was part of the programming of our space starting in September 2018, the month that began with the tragedy that devastated the Museu Nacional, one of Brazil’s greatest historical and cultural heritages. This coincidence can be considered an apt moment for reflecting on the importance of the generation, preservation and spread of knowledge.

Oi Futuro is a cultural center and also a museum – the Museu das Telecomunicações has the largest telecommunication srelated collection in the country – and ever since its creation has been investing in research, encouragement and presentation of works concerning the arts, science and technology. From its opening, in 2005, until today, we have been promoting the convergence between different areas of knowledge and the current multiplicity of artistic expressions.

‘Existência Numérica was curated by Doris Kosminsky, a researcher and professor of the Universidade Federal of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and was the result of intense investigations into the complexity of data visualization and its applications in the world of the visual arts. In this group show, artists from Brazil and abroad showed works in which they used numbers and statistics to develop creative systems, measuring realities such as the use of bicycles in large cities, the migratory flows in Rio de Janeiro, and investment in science and technology in Brazil.

The show ran from September 17th to November 18th and attracted thousands of visitors, who were invariably impacted not only by the plasticity of the works, but also by the surprising ease with which they read information and numerals. Now, a record of this excellent project is featured in this new volume of the Coleção Arte & Tecnologia.

With the holding of the exhibition Existência Numérica, and with its unfolding in this book, the Oi Futuro cultural center seeks to respond, in a singular way, to the challenge of meeting the demands of contemporary art, of society and of the citizens.


Doris Kosminsky, Barbara Castro, Luiz Ludwig

Palavras chave:

Hexagonal hierarchical cartogram: Towards a thematic map of Brazil

Type: Paper
Year: 2018
The popularity and availability of digital tools has boosted the use of thematic maps in infographics and data visualizations. Unlike general purpose maps, thematic maps are aimed at communicating the spatial distribution of a particular topic or theme, such as population density, voter preference or income. Since thematic maps have been more often studied and tailored for European and North American countries, some of them need adjustment to properly represent Brazilian states, according to their needs. The aim of this paper is to present the hexagonal hierarchical cartogram, which represents Brazilian states in a normalized geographical format using single-hue color scales to show magnitude. We demonstrate its use by mapping average grades obtained by students of all Brazilian states in a national exam called ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio).
Article published in Infodesign (Volume 15, Issue 1, 2018)

Moises Colares Barreto, Doris Kosminsky, Claudio Esperança

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