Year: 2011

Colors of the Brazilian tourist destinations: method to produce a visualization

Type: Paper
Year: 2011

This paper presents the method used to produce a visualization over data of Brazilian tourism. Data
visualization operates at the intersection among art, design and computer science, having the exposure of
the structure behind large data sets as its main purpose. The economic relevance of the tourism sector
and the variety of tourist areas on Brazilian territory require the development of methods that show the
different nuances among these areas. Having this goal, we started producing a visualization of the major
65 Brazilian tourist destinations’ colors by the creation of an algorithm that, after the selection of photos of
each one of these places, generates a palette using its predominant colors. Thus, we hope to represent
imagery in a Brazilian diversity in its varied climates and cultural events, leading to a new understanding,
from the perspective of visual culture, of the huge regional variety that exists in this continental-sized


Luiza Bielinski, Doris Kosminsky, Claudio Esperança

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