Year: 2013

Corporeal interval: sensory indeterminacy as the poetic bloom of interactive art

Type: Paper
Year: 2013

Paper published on Re-new Conference Proceedings, presented in Copenhague, Denmark in 2013.

Abstract: The interactivity adds a new sensory level in art. The implementation of artificial sensory systems can enhance what was discussed earlier as a human nature, indeterminacy. In this paper, we will discuss how the indeterminacy inherent in each one of the constituent elements of aesthetic experience is an essential factor in the development of the poetics of interactive art. To this end, the thoughts of Henri Bergson on the indeterminacy of the body are related to the machine’s margin of indeterminacy discussed by Gilbert Simondon. This discussion is related to a theoretical and practical research which also includes artistic production. Therefore, the reflection influences the conceptualization of Em3 interactive installation that will help in understanding the ideas developed throughout the text. Finally, the indeterminacy of artist, artwork and observer will delineate individually and collectively the concept of ‘Corporeal Interval’.


Barbara Castro, Doris Kosminsky, Luiz Velho

Archive and database. Poetics, ethics and aesthetics of artistic visualization – Arte & Ensaios v.24 (Portugues Only)

Type: Paper
Year: 2013

From the example of art works that use the concepts of an archive through the symbolic form of the database and, construction of data visualizations, we discuss in this article these articulations inside the art field; its ethical issues, and poetic and aesthetic potential.

Palavras chave:

Body and Media: aesthetic experience as an interval

Type: Master Thesis
Year: 2013

Master Thesis in Visual Arts for the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, defended in March, 2013 for the researh line Interdisplinary Poetics. (Portuguese Only)

CASTRO, Barbara Pires e. Corpo e Mídia: a experiência artística em um intervalo. Rio de Janeiro, 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em Artes Visuais) – Escola de Belas Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2013.

This project researches interactivity as a possibility for an artistic experience. Art is approached as an experience through a perspective from the body, concentrating in a context of art and technology. The interactive art provided with an artificial sensory system acquires relevance in the public mediation and contributes to the aesthetic experience. It’s perception is distinct from the human’s perception, allowing new insights of the human body. Therefore, the relationship between body and media is established from the indeterminacy potentials contained in their perceptions. As a result of the theoretical and practical research, we developed an interactive installation that promotes an encounter between the artist’s virtual body and the interactor’s physical body through the mediation of a sensitive artwork, creating an artistic experience as a bodily interval.


CASTRO, Barbara

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