Daily life Visualizations
We produce a lot of data in our daily lives. There is data from our journey through the city, the people we met, the places we go, the food we eat, the music we listen… Students of this course were asked to document the data of their daily lives and organize them visually.
These works were developed by students Diego Machado, Hans Mosl, Paulo Junior, Sergio Amarante Henrique da Silva Jr, Renato Maroja, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Diego Leal, Felipe Molica, Bielinski Luiza Martins, Juan Ruiz, Vinicius Machado and Natalia Pedroso for the Special Topics discipline in the Visual Communication Design (CVD | UFRJ) throughout the semesters of 2011.2 and 2012.1, under the orientation of Professor. Doris Kosminsky.