7 Days – Tempo como material para a data art de Laurie Frick
Laurie Frick, que já teve outra publicação no LabVis (aqui), é um grande nome no mundo de data art e self tracking. Em seu trabalho mais recente a artista analisa as diferentes maneiras de se gerir o tempo, ao registrar o que um homem de 37 anos e uma mulher de 32 fazem ao longo de uma semana.
Uma nota, em inglês da própria artista sobre o trabalho:
“Time is sequential, ordered and related to what comes just before or after. It’s the one thing we have that is pretty-much free and simultaneously valuable. Even though we don’t let ourselves think about it….time for each of us is finite. Do we agonize, procrastinate or consciously think about how we spend our time? We make split-second decisions about what we do now, next and then after that…how we spend our time must be a reflection of our basic nature.
After scrolling thru Amazon unlimited looking at hundreds and hundreds of books on time management, I asked a friend how there could possibly be so many books published on getting control of your time. And the friend blankly looked at me and said “because people feel bad about how they spend their time”.
Which is all very curious because I’m investigating the notion that YOU are your time, you are defined by how you spend your time, the activities and even unconscious use of time says loads about your psyche, your personality and your inner-self. Your sense of who you are is based on the recollection of recent events, and what you are doing and intend to do. It’s your basic orientation in the world. These are 7 days of time tracking from the Time-Use survey, color coded by activity and quantity of time spent.”
“7 Days of a Man 37″ angle.
Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a man age 37 over 7 days. 2015
“7 Days of a Man 37″ detail. Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a man age 37 over 7 days. 2015
“7 Days of a Man 37″. Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a man age 37 over 7 days. 2015
“7 Days of a Woman 32″. Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a woman age 32 over 7 days. 2015
“7 Days of a Woman 32″ angle. Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a woman age 32 over 7 days. 2015
“7 Days of a Woman 32″ detail. Leather, wood, and aluminum 48” x 50”. Time-use data of a woman age 32 over 7 days. 2015
7 days decoded (this is the decoder ring) for a man age 37. Vertical time use over 7 days, and legend for color categories.
7 days decoded (this is the decoder ring) for a woman age 32. Vertical time use over 7 days, and legend for color categories.